May 2001 Driving Events Committee Minutes
	by George Bixby	May 16, 2001

The meeting commenced at 6:45 pm at the Red Hook Brewery in Portsmouth, NH. Phil Brown (Vice President) brought the meeting to order.

The only agenda item under old business was open top cars. Phil decided to table the question as the majority of the club officers were not present and the exact wording of the motion was not available.

Under new business, brought up the issue of a student that left the April 20 driver’s ed event early and had requested a refund. Phil explained that the student in question had been reassigned to run group 3. Because of the circumstances associated that day, run group three was the only group that was not able to participate in four sessions. It was also noted that the third (and last) group three session, was run fairly late in the day. It was allowed that students may have had other commitments and could not finish the day. It was motioned by Erik Wensberg that the student be offered the next drivers ed event session at half price. The motion was seconded by Rob Greer and the motion was carried by vote.

Phil Brown stated that there were 20 entrants for the May 19th Auto cross event. However, the event was short staffed and that Matt Kogan may need help. Lee Walsh volunteered to assist Matt.

Phil told the committee that he was aware of a trailer that was available (for cheap money) for storing the cones, water hoses, and other equipment at NHIS (for Advanced Skill School). However, the trailer would need to be enclosed. Alan Goddu informed the club of another trailer available. He said the trailer was enclosed but was in need of tires. Best of all, he thought that it may be donated to the club. Phil assigned himself the task of talking to Ed Valpey about this trailer.

Alan brought up the issue of the manifolds for wetting the skid pad at the advanced skill school. He told the club that because they were made of plastic that their condition was deteriorating and were presently being repaired. He added that replacement was just a matter of time. After some discussion about various options it was decided that Alan would work with George Bixby and Dan Guliano to come up with a long term solution.

Erik Wensberg enquired about the financial report for the April 20th driver’s ed event. George Bixby answered by saying that Dan reported at the board of director’s meeting, that the event broke even to making a little money.

Alan Goddu asked why the club did not have a better relationship with Tulley BMW in Nashua, NH. Phil explained that Tulley had dropped its sponsorship of the auto cross for this year. There was some discussion about how to the club could provide a service to Tulley that they would find beneficial. There was some discussion about this and it was decided that John Branch (of Tulley) would be approached to see what could be done.

Phil Brown displayed a report from the national about events at driver’s ed schools and root causes (plus other interesting info). Phil said he would make copies of this available to the committee adding that this was a tool for improvement.

Erik Wensberg asked why pictures of driving events were not displayed on our web site. George responded that digitized pictures had been sent to the web site administrator for the fist advanced skills school but had not been displayed. George added that he would be sending pictures from the April 20th driver’s ed event shortly.

There was no other business and the meeting was closed at 8:30 pm.