May 2009 Board Meeting Minutes

by Pete McDonough May 18, 2009

May 2009 Board Meeting Minutes

By Pete McDonough May 18, 2009


Meeting Minutes for May 2009 Combined Board and DEC Meeting

Date:                05-18-2009

Time:                6:30 PM                                                                         

Location:          Common Man, Concord, NH

Attendees:  Dana Sion, Laura Fallis, Dave Harrison, Mark Viola, Al Legerlotz, Paul Michali, Mike Dion, Michael, Morin, Pete McDonough,

I.                    Schedule

This meeting was a combined DEC and board meeting.  Going forward, it was decided that board meetings will be held the 1st Monday of each month (second Monday if the 1st is a holiday) and that DEC meetings will be held the 3rd Monday of each month (second Monday if the 3rd is a holiday).  The June board meeting will be skipped and the schedule will re-start in July.  Meetings will continue to rotate between the various Common Man locations; a new Common Man location in Portsmouth will also be considered as a future venue.

II.                 Diesel Demo Day

Event is set for Thursday May 21, 2209 at BMW of Stratham.  We are expecting around 25 participants and the club will be providing food and beverage for the event.

III.               Re-cap of recent driving events

The recently run High Performance Driving event had 69 registered drivers plus a few late additions; 17 of these drivers were new to the program and 32 driving instructors participated.  ADSS had 34 participants at its April event and a rare “near miss” during the event was the subject of much discussion.  It was decided that we needed to bring formal dialogue into the classroom to advise students that they must immediately pull over after a near miss and discuss the incident immediately with all involved.  Additionally, it needs to be reinforce that no one has the right of way  – i.e. always yield.

The ADSS event made ~ $100; HPDS made ~$553 but the cost of food was still outstanding.

The MINI ADSS event is now an open ADSS event.  There are 13 participants registered and we need roughly 21 to make it a go.  Go / No-go can be determined up to one week ahead.

Last, but certainly not least, Mark Viola will be taking over the DEC Chair

IV.              Finances

The club had $10,150 in its bank account;  on a YTD basis, the club has pulled in roughly $200 in advertising but lost roughly $1400 through operations.  There was additional discussion that the club needs to continue to push the e-subscription of the Profile and make push-button subscription available.

V.                 Sponsorship

HMS is committed to its sponsorship and should provided payment this week.

BAV Auto is committed and is having their final meeting this week.

Liberty Mutual has committed $500 to the Street Survival Program.

IRA wants to be involved with the summer events and will keep their inside page advertisement.  IRA expressed an interest of having several slots and various events and the possibility of bringing an IRA car to track events.

Snap-On has expressed an interest in bringing a truck to various track events; we would charge $250-300 as a flat fee for access to the event.

VI.              SEC

A few new folks have attended recent meeting.

SEC has narrowed their search for the Holiday party to the Radisson Hotel in Manchester with a tentative date of 1-23-10.  Various board members want additional venues to be considered included, Manchester Country Club, CR Sparks, The Derryfield, etc.

The SEC continues to plan for the October Haunted Rally and the Wine and Cheese Rally.

The Karting event may be resurrected;  SEC will talk with the track to see if they have any flexibility with their pricing structure.