June Board Meeting
By Roland Beaule Jr.
All in attendance: David and Rochelle, Mike Morin, Dana Sion, Johann Wrede, Roland Beaule, Walt
Called to order at: 6:40
DEC: The question was brought up about a formal press release street survival.
Registration for SS is doing good.
Ask Mark if we can go to the Airport Dinner for meetings.
SEC: Hoping the drive-n-dines will draw people in.
Johann thinks an Email or postcard for a reminder for the drive-n-dine a few days ahead.
The new website will be transparent. The back end is where the changes are noticeable.
The back roads rally is on schedule. Coarse is set and insurance is paid.
Can we add a sheet with the rally about events for the next few months.
Drive-n-dine July- Kimbles in Jaffery
September- Simon Pierce
Idea: A calender on the center fold of the Profile with three months of events in them. Something for people to hang up on the wall as a reminder.
Cassandra needs a reminder for the back roads for the starting point.
Can we come up with a tech session in a parking lot.
Membership: Jan 626. now we are at 657
How about getting business cards that we can put on a windshield for membership.
Called At: 8;10