December Board Meeting

By: Roland Beaule

All in Attendance: David Harrison, Dana Sion, Mike Morin, Mark Viola, Roland Beaule, Dick Cadieux, Johann Wrede, Paul Michali

Called to order at: 6:45

Elections:A Final vote was taken at the meeting with results. President-David Harrison, Vice President-Dana Sion, Secretary- Roland Beaule, Treasurer- Johann Wrede.

A meeting to be set-up in January for transition or reins.

SEC: Winter Reunion, Everything is up and running as of December 5th.

Drive-N-Dine were hit or miss. SEC is in the black. Boston Chapter is interested in corroborating on social events. Work for suggestion for spring time.

DEC: 2012 is done and looking forward to 2013. April 6 ADSS, April 22 Driving school.

Website: Completion with Dream host- Moved the server, 3 Issues Profile upload, Twitter and Facebook.

Profile: It's out. Don’t downsize but need to generate new revenue through advertising.

Membership: November- 631

Called At: 8:25