February Board Meeting

By: Roland Beaule

All in Attendance: Paul Michali, David Harrison, Johann, Mike Morin, Dana Sion, Mark Viola, Roland Beaule, Wolf

Called to order at: 6:45

If there are any questions for congress let us know.

SEC: Cassandra will remain as chair. Drive&Dine not getting the participation we hoped. Communication broke down. People want more of a Rally than just driving to a destination and hanging out. More of a drive, meet at a certain spot and drive as a group to a restaurant.

Winter reunion, we are thinking about it.

Membership: 636. Trying to get people more web orientated.

Finance: Johann is looking into a cloud based accounting.


$5,236.16-Business account

Use the off season to use social media to find out what people would like to do this summer.

New Business: Johann proposed changing the site domain to NHBMW.org.

The board was in favor of the proposal.

DEC: Most stuff is set in motion. Insurance costs are up. Do we want to change the rates?

Called at: 8:40