May Board Meeting
By: Roland Beaule
All in attendance: Dana Sion, Martin, Mark Viola, Roland Beaule, David Harrison
Called to order at: 6:45
Profile: We now have pages 4&13 in color. Gordon is giving tech fillers. Martin is going to work on a new advertising contract. Martin is working with Johann's wife to work up a style guide as an intern project. Martin puts in 15-20 hours putting the profile together down from 50 hours.
Website: It crashed but is back up and running.
DEC: Is plugging along. June 8th was going to be Street survival but is now ADSS. The April brought in money. The April track event brought in about $14,000 before track expenses.
SEC: No venue picked for the end of year social. Anheuser bush is a possibility. Would like to be a no cost party to the club.
Dave got a call today about track events and membership.
Dana proposed to bring back the karting event at 106 Race Park.
Membership: Membership is at 647, down 4.
New Business: Martin needs content.
Called at: 8:30