June 2002 Board Meeting Minutes
	by George Bixby	June 5, 2002

The only chapter officer to attend the meeting was Mike Lusier. The meeting was called to order, by Mike Lusier, at 6:45 PM at The Yard in Manchester, NH. In attendance were Patty Bixby, Dick Cadieux, Marty Callahan, Lee Walsh, Mel Walsh, and Geoff Pascoe.

Lee Walsh brought up the issue of insurance payments to Wisenberg for the autocross.

Mike asked Marty to report on the upcoming fun rally. Marty said that he was still working on organizing the rally but have more information at the next meeting. Marty said that he wanted to co-ordinate scheduling with Patty on the proper date to hold the rally.

Mike asked about how the Cabin fever driving school? Dick reported that the Cabin fever school went well and the improvements to the track were well received. Mike asked about the first running of old open top cars with students. Dick reported that open top cars were not an issue. Mike asked about flagging? Dick said that flagging went well. Mike reported the financial position of the Cabin fever school. He said that the track cost us two hundred dollars more than last year. Mike added that there was an extra charge for garages that we hadn't incurred previously. Insurance was about three hundred more than last year. Instructor gifts were less than usual.

Mike brought up the treasurer's report. He said that the payables for the Cabin fever school was incomplete. Mike shared that the bill for this months profile was just sent out. He added that he had just paid for the lot rentals for advanced skill school. Mike said that he expected the Cabin Fever school would bring about two thousand dollars to the chapter.

Mike brought up the Susan. G. Komen drive for a cure to be held June 27, 2002. Mike asked that as many of the members attend as possible and drive as many cars as you can. He mentioned that people could register online for BMW's through the BMWNA web site.

There was some discussion about the E-mail list being put together by Bruce Smith.

Mike asked Patty to report the on the Simon Pearce tour. Patty reported that it was a good news bad news situation. The good news was that the event was reaching members that do not ordinarily participate in chapter events. The bad news was that the number of registrants did not meet expectations. Patty also reported on the upcoming wine tasting, saying that she had not received a return call from a winery that she had contacted. There was some question about when she was planning on holding the event. She said about the middle of September. Lee suggested that she may want to consider holding an event during a driving school for people not participating in the school. Patty made a comment that no chapter officers had signed up for the Simon Pearce event.

Mike said that Peter Duffy was not here to report on membership. Mike added that the last count he reviewed said that the chapter had about six hundred and eighty members. Lee asked if the chapter greeted new members? Mike replied that Peter is sending out welcome letters to new members. Lee asked about the contents of the letter and added that the letter should include what the chapter offers its members.

Marty reported on an editor's conference for the monthly newsletter. He said that a handbook on how to manage the newsletter was handed out.

Mike announced that the DEC meetings would be changing to the third Monday of the month at Dreher-Holloway.

There was no other new business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.