November Board Meeting
By: Roland Beaule
All in attendance: Roland Beaule, David Harrison, Paul Michali, Walter Wolf, Tom Giffen, David Thibodeau, Paul Lilious, Dana Sion, Mike Morin, Victor Waryas, Chris Hagerty, Bruce Bergeron
Called to order at: 6:32
Voting is up and running, You may vote in person at the December meeting.
New nominees gave their speeches.
DEC David Thibodeau, SEC chair Mary Beth will continue.
Membership: 667 Aug-680 Oct-667 Nov-665. Twitter-280 followers, Facebook-599 likes.
Following national trends.
Going to get with dealerships to bring in members.
SEC: Talked about Castle in the Clouds, No Show and Shine, People from 3 Chapters showed up Redline Diner then went shopping at BavAuto. Hack Mechanic event at Ultimate Bimmer Service went well. 30 people showed up. Chilli dinner at driving event in Oct collected $85 for NH Food Bank.
Thinking of a Christmas light tour at NHMS.
Bowling event at leddy lane in Nashua, Jan 31
Yankee Candle Factory in May
Trying to get an event at F1 Boston in Feb-Mar time frame.
DEC: Done for the year. Great even for the last one Oct 31- Nov 1. Waiting for $600 from sponsors and bill from track. Changing to a 2 day event helped a lot on participation and cost. Next year Tamworth comes online.
Finance: Accounts: Savings- $1.04. Checking- $32, 523. All advertisers are up to date.
New Business: Food bank charity for 2015, David Harrison proposed a new charity for 2016. People against distracted drivers. The motion go. This is the charity for 2016.
Walter have 2 motions-
Walter thinks there should be 4 a year. Amend the by-laws. Motion was tabled for 2016 voting.
Walter proposed a motion to state that meals and beverages. He set a limit to members. Board resolution, set by the board.
Called at: 8:30