September 2002 Board Meeting Minutes by George Bixby September 5, 2002
The meeting was called to order, by Mike Francis, at 6:55 PM at The Yard in Manchester, NH. In attendance were George Bixby, Patty Bixby, Marty Callahan, Dick Cadieux, Larry Churchill, Shelby Churchill, Dan Croteau, Pat Francis, Mike Lussier, Paul Michali, Bruce Smith, Lee Walsh, and Mel Walsh.
Mike Francis began the meeting by sharing correspondence with the club. The first piece of correspondence was a letter from Dreher-Holloway thanking the chapter for its participation with the Susan G. Komen Drive for a cure. Next he shared a letter from BMWCCA national. The letter spoke of highting club related literature, automobile restorations, and advanced skill school for young (or new) drivers.
Mike expanded on the skill school highlight saying that representatives from BMW CCA were interested in chapters that were sponsoring skill school events from September of 2002 to February of 2003 for informational purposes. He added that the chapter's skill events were well attended this year, by quite a few people not signed up for Driver's Ed schools. He said that the chapter should look into expanding the number skill school events and possibly making it it's own committee (as opposed to the DEC being responsible).
Mike asked Mike Lussier for a treasurer's report. Mike L. responded that all bills from the last Driver's Ed event except for the ambulance. He added that there had been 79 paid students, he had not received the bill for the instructor gifts, more money was spent for lunches (staff and instructors) than what was budgeted, and not all the sponsors had been billed yet.
Mike asked Marty to report on the upcoming rally. Marty replied that registration is set up on the web site and that it would be cut off one week before the event.
There was no membership report because Peter Duffy was not present.
Mike asked Patty to report on activities. Patty replied that the Wine tasting Dinner was all set for November 3, 2002 (Sunday) and the cost per member was $75 plus tax and gratuity (about $94). She added that a five course dinner would be served. She requested that the chapter forward $250 for a deposit to hold the event.
Mike asked Lee to report on the Autocross. Lee told the chapter that 33 participants joined the chapter for the last autocross. He added that five BMW's participated and two were members of the chapter. Also, the revenues for the event totaled $930. Lee mentioned that new software could be purchased for the autocross that uses the existing timing lights. The software would run on a laptop and be able to time four cars at a time. The present equipment did not have this ability at this time.
Mike asked if there was any new business? George replied that the chapter should consider officers for next year. He told the chapter that he would not be running for re-election for next year due to the demands of his job. He added that he hoped to help the chapter in some capacity in the future.
Bruce brought up that some of the chapter's sponsors were not displayed on the web site and asked that this be looked into. He added that registration for the End of Summer school would open on Friday (9/7). He also had a question for the membership chair about letter's being sent to new members and those not renewing.
There was a question about the F1 kart challenge with the Boston Chapter. Mike said that he would have Phil look into it.
George brought an issue about the chapter sponsoring Tech Sessions, with an emphasis on Tech Sessions for women only, in the future. There was some discussion about this and it was a good idea to pursue.
There was no other new business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.