September 2003 Board Meeting Minutes
	by George Bixby	September 3, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Allen Goddu. In attendance were Allen Goddu, Bruce Smith, Martin Callahan, George Bixby (for Tom Blinn), Ai Lean, Reid Douglas, Paul Michali, Alvin Legerlotz, Dick Cadieux, and Ben Mecuri.

Minutes from the August meeting were read and accepted. George Bixby is acting as secretary in Tom Blinn's absence.

Treasurer's report was presented by Allen Goddu in Mike Lussier's absence. The bank account balance was around 30K and we are current on all accounts payable. Some discussion about financials for the upcoming Oct. Driving School event followed the report.

Allen discussed some membership issues. The position of membership chair is still open. This creates a problem interacting with the national office. Allen had just received a copy of an e-mail that had been sent about 1.5 months earlier and that related to new members. There was discussion about the new member list from national being made available electronically. Allen reported that chapter membership was up to 653 with 5 new members added this month.

There was no autocross report. The chapter web site had been updated with the latest autocross event results.

Martin Callahan reported on the Profile (chapter newsletter) and said that he had received a call from a member interested in assuming the editor position. He will report more on this item at the next meeting. [Subsequent e-mail to the board indicated that we have a new editor ready to assume responsibility before the end of the year.]

Paul Micali reported that someone had requested that the membership be informed through the web site and he has determined that this is not sensible. There followed some discussion about improvements to the web site. Paul stated that he had Greg Scott quote some of the desired changes to the web site but the changes were voted down. He added that Greg is less inclined to quote a larger package based on our history. There was some discussion about updating the web site to include a reference library. It was stated that the one item in particular that would benefit would be for Driving School information.

Reid Douglas volunteered $500 from his discretionary fund to help the chapter update our web site. George made a motion to accept the funds from Reid and Dick Cadieux seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote. Paul Micali motioned to use the funds to create a reference library on Driving School page on the web site with these funds. The motion was seconded by Bruce Smith and was passed by unanimous vote.

Bruce Smith provided a report on Driving School activities and other driving events. He reported on the recent Street Survival Skills school organized by the BMW CCA Foundation. Bruce said attendance was modest because it was held on Labor Day weekend. He also said there was a lot of positive feedback from the students and their parents and the event was incident free. Bruce indicated that he expected the chapter to break even financially and said that they would try to hold the event on a non-holiday weekend next year. Reid added that the event was very successful and he was impressed with the way it was run. He said that he thinks that our program may be the model from which future events are executed. He relayed that both John Cousalito and Dean Killian were very impressed with the way the event went.

Our next driving skills school will be October 11 with the End of Summer driving school on October 17 and 18, both at NHIS. Also, the chapter is sponsoring a club race to be held on October 18 and 19, and the Boston Chapter has a driving school at NHIS on October 19 and 20. The application has been sent in to the club race committee. Bruce will handle online registration (working with Greg Scott) for the club race and Alvin Legerlotz will handling registration for the DE event.

Ai Lean reported on the fun rally and said that 25 people had participated. Also, 17 event tee shirts had been sold. George reported (Patty was not available) that Reid had previously donated some Zymol car care kits and two had been passed out at the rally with one being reserved for the wine tasting dinner. He said that the holidays party this year would feature a music only DJ.

Allen reminded the chapter that Bavarian Auto was holding their annual Show And Shine on October 5 and encouraged the membership to attend.


Allen reminded the meeting that this was the time of year to consider nominations for chapter officers.

Bruce asked Reid if there was anything new from the national to report. Reid responded that there was not.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.