June 2004 Board Meeting Minutes by Tom Blinn June 2, 2004
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Rich Davis. In attendance were Rich Davis, Phil Brown, Tom Blinn, Paul Michali, Mike Lussier, Melanie Brown, David Harrison, George Bixby, Reid Douglas, Dana Sion, and Michael Morin.
Minutes from the May 2004 meeting are available on the web site. Printed copies were distributed at the meeting. The minutes were approved as posted. Financial Report
Mike Lussier provided a financial report. The Driving Events account is up from last month but there are outstanding expenses to be paid for recent driving events. Most of our advertisers and sponsors are current, and the few who are not will be reminded of their commitments. The treasurer's report was approved as presented. President's Report
Rich has been working with the Komen Foundation's regional coordinator on the "Drive for the Cure" event, which will be at Holloway BMW July 8th and at Tulley BMW on July 9th. BMW NA has information and pre-registration on their web site at http://www.bmwusa.com/Joy/EventsandPrograms/UDSK/ . Rich is still working on a draft of proposed chapter bylaws.
Reid Douglas mentioned that "Directors and Officers Insurance" is available through the national chapter's insurance agent at a very competitive price. This indemnifies officers and other members acting on behalf of the club against personal liability in any action brought against the chapter. The board voted unanimously to obtain such insurance at a cost not to exceed that for the policy available through the national chapter's agency.
Rich noted that the board intends to try to address some of the formalities of office via conference calls and other methods to allow for a more focused monthly meeting with more organized reporting and consideration of proposals for adoption by the members. Driving Events
No one was present to formally report on driving events status. It was reported informally that the first safety school was poorly attended. Registration is open for the next school on June 7 and roughly 65 people have registered so far. At the last driving events meeting there was some discussion about whether the chapter should rebate the fees for session in which an instructor trainee becomes fully qualified. George Bixby is actively working on the proposed "seatbelt safety" program.
Work is planned to update the driving event registration forms and pre-event materials to clarify equipment and other requirements for participation. Because of the construction delays on the Club Motorsports facility the proposed for mid-September will probably not occur. Social Committee
Melanie Brown provided an update on the committee's activities. Details will be on the web site.
The charity golf tournament plans are well under way. Registration will be extended until as close as possible to the event. Volunteers are still needed for the day of the event. Contact Melanie (mbrown@wmc-bmwcca.org or 603-528-5444) or any social committee member by email or phone to get more information or sign up. The event will be June 26th at the Lochmere golf course in Tilton, NH http://www.lochmeregolf.com. The beneficiary will be a local family, through a grant from "The Weber Foundation of Helping Hands", a New England based charity that will use 100% of the contributions for charitable purposes. The grand "hole-in-one" prize will be a 2001 X5 3.0 underwritten jointly by Concord Motorsport and the White Mountain Chapter. Many sponsors for holes, carts, and raffle prizes have been found and additional sponsors are being sought.
The fun rally planning is underway and the date will be Saturday August 14th. The theme will be covered bridges. The route will visit many scenic parts of the state and should be a fun time for everyone. Registration is open now through the web site.
New to the proposed social events schedule are a August 28th cookout at the home of Dave Dubiel and Janet Levenson in Goffstown, NH, and a getaway weekend February 25-27 at the Applebrook B&B in Jefferson, NH www.applebrook.com . Both of these events are described by fliers in the current issue of the Profile.
The annual wine tasting dinner is planned for November 5th at the Bedford Village Inn.
The social events committee meetings will be on the 3rd Thursdays of each month for the balance of the summer.
Additional information on these and other social events is available on the web site. Membership
Paul Michali reports that for June we have 788 members, down 3 from May.
The advertiser and sponsor listings have been updated and re-organized. The driving events information will be updated. The monthly meeting will be listed on the website as the "Monthly chapter dinner meeting" to more accurately reflect its purpose as a general meeting for all members. Profile
The current issue had arrived for some members and looks quite good. New Business
George Bixby expressed a concern that chapter officers and other members should view themselves as ambassadors for the chapter and make an effort to make others welcome and help them feel a part of the fellowship.
Reid Douglas reported informally on the Chapter Congress held May 21-23 in Keystone, CO. There were a number of good presentations on topics of interest. No one from the White Mountain Chapter attended.
Reid also reported that there is a proposal to establish a Green Mountain chapter in Vermont.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.