August 2004 Board Meeting Minutes
	by Tom Blinn	August 4, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 6:50 by Rich Davis. In attendance were Rich Davis, Phil Brown, Paul Michali, Mike Lussier, Tom Blinn, Susan Dugdale, David Harrison, Geoff Pascoe, Dana Sion, Michael Morin, and Paul Lillios.

No minutes were prepared from the informal July 2004 meeting at Holloway BMW after the Komen event. Financial Report

Mike Lussier provided a financial report. Our account balances are down somewhat from our position a year ago.

Much of this is due to expenses and deposits that have been incurred and will be offset by later income. Some is due to one-time expenses such as the purchase of a high-resolution computer display for use in Profile production. Some is due to ongoing expenses that are new in the past year, such as social events meetings. Our costs to run track events have increased and attendance is down somewhat. Most of our advertisers and sponsors are current, and the few who are not will be reminded of their commitments. Although the golf tournament did not take place as planned due to the weather on the scheduled date, sufficient income was realized from sponsors and from the raffle to allow a $2100 donation to the Weber Foundation. The treasurer�s report was approved as presented.

There was discussion about establishing budgets for each of the major functional areas (e.g., social events, driving events) at the beginning of the year to allow these areas to manage their finances within their budgets without needing to return to board meetings for approval on each event expense. This was generally well received, and will likely be implemented for next year�s activities.

The holiday party contract is ready for signing, and requires a $500 deposit. Voted to move ahead with the party as planned and necessary expenses were authorized. Newsletter Report

Martin Callahan notified the membership that due to personal factors he is resigning as Profile editor, effective immediately. He was universally acknowledged and will be very much missed. His efforts have been outstanding. No replacement has been identified at this time. Social Events Report

(Phil Brown for Melanie Brown): Minutes from the last Social Events meeting have been prepared and will be posted on the chapter web site in the social events library section .

The October charity Golf Tournament is on track.for Monday, October 4, 2004 from 11am to 5pm, see details at . The cost is reduced to $90 per golfer and should be a good time for all. There is still an opportunity to help out, contact Melanie Melanie ( or 603-528-5444) or any social committee member by email or phone to get more information or sign up.

The Back Roads Rally registration is closed. 22 cars are registered. The start time will be moved up to 9AM (from 9:30AM) to allow for the additional entrants and the length of the course.

No formal update on preparations for the 2004 BMW Vintage Marathon was available. It was noted that Reid Douglas� approval for expenses is needed.

The preparations for the Wine Tasting Dinner to be held Friday, November 5th at the Bedford Village Inn are on track. The theme this year is �Vintage 2002�.

Holiday party plans are underway. As noted under financials, the contract is ready and a deposit will be made. The January 15th date is not available, and the party will be held on January 29th at C. R. Sparks in Bedford. There was significant support for the idea that we should collect food donations for contribution to a local food pantry. Details will be worked out and communicated in advance of the event. President's Report

Rich is still working on a draft of proposed chapter bylaws.

Rich noted that the board intends to try to address some of the formalities of office via conference calls and other methods to allow for a more focused monthly meeting with more organized reporting and consideration of proposals for adoption by the members. Driving Events Report

No one was present to formally report on driving events status. Membership Report

Paul Michali reports that for we have almost 800 members, up a few in each of the recent months. New Business

It was noted that reimbursement for the Street Survivor program expenses is still due to the chapter, and will improve our financial position.

There are discussions about an international Oktoberfest taking place, with the National office taking the lead.

Geoff Pascoe and Martin Callahan will be visiting Nova Scotia to �scout out� the scene of a possible chapter road tour for next summer or autumn.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM. Reminder

Next month�s meeting, September 1, will be at the Wayfarer Inn in Bedford, NH, not at The Yard. See the chapter web site for details.