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The High Performance Driving school is an excellent way for you to improve your
driving skills and have fun too!
We welcome the camaraderie of all enthusiasts and different makes of cars at our schools - you don't have to own a BMW to enjoy our events!
The one day school combines classroom and on-track instruction in a closely supervised and controlled environment. At our multi-day schools, you have the opportunity to enhance your learning experience, by building on the previous day's learning.
Students will then get to put this knowledge to use, on the 1.7 mile road course at NHMS.
With an in-car instructor, students can practice the techniques learned through our fun and
technically challenging course. With our expert instructors, you will get immediate feedback
as you progress through the learning process. The invaluable insight and experience that our
instructors possess, will provide you with the tools to improve your driving, both on and off
the track.
Another exclusive feature of the White Mountain Chapter school is the unrestricted passing areas for advanced students and instructors, who have attended a Passing Clinic (available at most of our HPD schools). See our Passing Policy for more information.
Never driven on a track before? Sign up for a regular Advanced Driving Skills school day and receive your first High Performance Driving school day for only $149!
Our policy is to require students with no prior track experience to take our
Advanced Driving Skills (ADS) school as a prerequisite.
These schools greatly enhance your track experience and the advanced skills are an integral part of our Instructor Training Program. However, an exemption to this policy may apply, if you live over 90 miles from NHMS, have previous track experience, or the ADS school is sold out and you sign up for the following ADS school before your next track day.
In the classroom, you will learn about vehicle dynamics and driving techniques to
reinforce what you read in our
The road course is discussed along with "the line" one should follow. Advanced students
learn alternate lines, including various racing lines. The instructor will discuss the technical
aspects covering cornering, braking, and accelerating for various turns. In this open forum,
students get an opportunity to talk about any "problem" areas to get feedback from the
instructor and other drivers.
Weather and time permitting, the classroom will also take field trips to walk a portion of the
track (during lunch break) and to observe corner workers in action (during live sessions). The
walks give students a deeper understanding of such things as reference points, looking ahead,
and the interaction between the road course and their vehicles.
When observing corner workers, students will learn about flagging (Flagging manual), which is a key factor in track safety. Students also will learn about track protocols and gain the opportunity to see how other drivers (and instructors) drive through a section of the course. Just watching another driver take a corner than has been challenging for you, can lend considerable insight and give you some fresh ideas to try when it's your turn on the track.
Wonder what you're missing? Check out pictures from past events
The most recent High Performance Driving School was on Friday, October 12, 2018.